Lip Blush (English)
Lip Blush is a permanent makeup procedure that enhances the natural color and shape of your lips. It is a great option for those without much shape or color in their natural lips.
Lip Blush lasts 1-3 years. It is very low maintenance and will fade gradually with time.
Regardless of the fading, this is still a permanent cosmetic procedure, so please be sure this is something you want and you find the right artist for you.
There are 4 types of lip blush I offer:
This is a subtle enhancement of color for the lips with a softer outline.
A two tone lip blush effect where the lip line is slightly darker than the inner part of your lips but still blend seamlessly together.
A more pigmented and defined version of watercolor where the liner and shading is more pronounced.
Offered to those who have dark or hyper pigmented lips and want a more natural even tone color.
Make sure to read the pre-care instructions prior to your appointment.
During your initial appointment we will go over the best style of lip blush for you and expected results.
Note that lip blush the first day and day after will be very bold and bright, even if you choose watercolor. Lip Blush heals about 40-50% lighter.
The appointment takes about 3 - 3 ½ hours.
You will be sent home with all aftercare products to have a smooth healing process. Healing take about 5-7 days but the skin takes 30 days to fully heal.
Refer to the Aftercare tab for more information on healing.
The touch up for Lip Blush is anywhere from 6-8 weeks from your initial appointment.
It is crucial to schedule a touch up to correct and enhance anywhere that might’ve faded more than expected.
During the touch up this is where I make any changes that you may want.
The appointment lasts from 2 - 2 ½ hours. The healing process is the same as your initial appointment.
Tatuaje de Labios (Español)
El tatuaje de labios es un procedimiento de maquillaje permanente que realza el color y la forma naturales de los labios. Es una gran opción para aquellas personas que no tienen mucha forma o color en sus labios naturales.
El tatuaje dura entre 1 y 3 años. Requiere muy poco mantenimiento y se irá desvaneciendo gradualmente con el tiempo.
Independientemente de la decoloración, sigue siendo un procedimiento cosmético permanente, así que asegúrese de que esto es lo que desea y de encontrar al artista adecuado para usted.
Ofrezco 4 tipos de tatuaje de labios:
Se trata de un realce sutil del color de los labios con un contorno más suave.
Un efecto de rubor de labios de dos tonos en el que la línea de los labios es ligeramente más oscura que la parte interna de los labios, pero se mezclan perfectamente.
Lápiz labial
Una versión más pigmentada y definida de la acuarela en la que el delineador y el sombreado son más pronunciados.
Se ofrece a quienes tienen labios oscuros o hiperpigmentados y desean un tono de color uniforme más natural.
Make sure to read the pre-care instructions prior to your appointment.
During your initial appointment we will go over the best style of lip blush for you and expected results.
Note that lip blush the first day and day after will be very bold and bright, even if you choose watercolor. Lip Blush heals about 40-50% lighter.
The appointment takes about 3 - 3 ½ hours.
You will be sent home with all aftercare products to have a smooth healing process. Healing take about 5-7 days but the skin takes 30 days to fully heal.
Refer to the Aftercare tab for more information on healing.
El retoque para el tatuaje de labios se realiza entre 6 y 8 semanas después de la cita inicial.
Es fundamental programar un retoque para corregir y realzar cualquier área que se haya desvanecido más de lo esperado.
Durante el retoque, aquí es donde hago los cambios que desees.
La cita dura entre 2 y 2 horas y media. El proceso de curación es el mismo que el de la cita inicial.